Do you have a dating horror story? One of those well-intentioned "looking for love" moments that was so hideous, it actually served as a wake up call, and changed your life? Here, readers share a 'Bad Romance' -- and a hard-won life breakthrough -- with you.
"I've had my share of really bad dates," laughs Todd, a self-employed web guy in New York City, "But it was those guys who disappeared after one great date that bugged me the most. One guy I really liked broke our third date by casually mentioning he was busy that night -- moving in with his new boyfriend. Now THAT was infuriating."
But looking back, Todd says his ultimate 'Bad Romance' came early in his dating days, when he was casually invited over to his date's tiny apartment for some alone time. Along with the candles and making out, came a 'click' and the unexpected sound of an opening door. "Quick, go hide in the bathroom!" whispers Todd's 'date' as he shoves him towards the door. Turns out, Todd's date not only wasn't out, he lived with his cousin, who (Todd learned later) made the Duck Dynasty clan look open minded.
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