Like clockwork, Republicans are back with one last shot at destroying healthcare, and this piece from the New York Times is one of the best as summing up where we stand in this latest fight:
How seriously should Americans take the Republicans’ last-ditch effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act?
The party has until the end of the month to repeal the health law without needing 60 Senate votes. That’s why the latest proposal, by Senators Bill Cassidy of Louisiana and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, is getting so much attention.
Their bill would eliminate the two big coverage programs created by the Affordable Care Act (Medicaid expansion and the Obamacare marketplace) and instead give blocks of money to state governments, with few limitations on how they can distribute them to provide health coverage to their residents. States would be free to eliminate Obamacare rules requiring that insurance cover a minimum package of benefits, and they could charge sick customers more than healthy ones...
To take immediate action to stop the horrific Cassidy/Graham bill, here's a call list of Senators that could help sink the bill. Please call them and share this with your networks, we can do this! Leave your comments and again, please share this essential information, make your voices heard!
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