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Marriage equality yea!

Allen and Jim's wedding is the absolute highlight of my 17 years in ministry. Love wins. And God smiles.

My husband Tim and I were privileged to have been invited to Jim and Allen's wedding and as stated by Nancy earlier in this story, it was the most beautiful, spiritual wedding we had ever been to. The tears of joy from Jim and Allen as they exchanged their vows was so sincere and special, I don't think there was a dry eye in the house. It had been far too long that these gentle men were denied the right to express their love and feelings in the spirit of marriage. For those who continue to hold onto the old traditions, you need to come of age otherwise you will never be lucky enough to experience the love and friendship of the gay community who are just like anyone else, and perhaps in many ways far more expressive in their emotions. God Bless all of his children.

Judy and Tim Tyler

This is SO inspiring!

The amazing, loving, decent, kind and evolved people in this country far exceed the angry and judgmental... that much is clear!


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