Sometimes we just can't resist getting in the middle of a juicy pop culture battle, so here goes...
When legendary diva Bette Midler recently took Ariana Grande to task for over-sexualizing her music (prompting this retort), it echoed similar recent comments of discontent from the likes of Annie Lennox, Sinead O' Connor and Joni Mitchell over the young female pop stars seemingly extreme attempts to sell their music and ignite social media through sex, sex and more sex.
Do these legengdary stars have a point? Is talent being shuttled to the background, all to simply shock and titilate audiences (and boost Twitter followers)? Does anyone have the moral high ground here? Maybe a quick, stunning look at the peak-form of one of history's all-time divas, Judy Garland - certainly no stranger to the unique pressues faced by current young stars like Grande, Cyrus and others -- showing us that real talent can still grab our attention without an assist from Victoria's Secret.
Now it's your turn. Are today's stars like Grande putting sex appeal above their musical talent/performance? Do Bette, Joni, Annie and friends have a valid point, or are they just out of touch with today's pop culture realities? Take a look at Judy's classic peformance and leave your comments!