In the second part of our enlightening conversation with Joel Readence, CPC, ELI-MP, Life and Executive coach, Joel shares his insight into creating self-worth, freedom from approval seeking and living a happier, more empowered life.
Here are some excerpts from this revealing conversation (if you missed it, here’s Part 1):
Shout Out Health: So many experts would just use the old cliché to ‘love yourself’. But what does that even mean?
It’s really about taking an honest inventory of your life. It's about asking yourself, what's working and what’s not, and where is something missing? Write it down. So many things are swirling around in our heads, but make a list of what you derive value and meaning from, and where are you disjointed. Where are you at your best? Where are you at your worst? Work both sides, and being brave enough to pursue the things on your list.
The gym culture is a great example for the gay community. If you’re working out to look good that’s great, but if you derive your level of acceptance in the world based on your physical appearance, or you look down upon others because they’re not in shape, there’s a problem there and you need to examine the reasons why
Shout Out Health: How do you stop seeking approval and create actual happiness?