Q: I'm a nervous wreck! Is there a simple relaxation method or technique you can suggest?
A: Relaxation is something that can be practiced by all of us, especially in this noisy, stressful, and frantically plugged-in world. Here's a simple relaxation tip you can use daily:
1. Turn off the TV, radio, computer and hand-held devices, and close the door if there are people around.
2. Sit comfortably in a chair, with your back and legs fully supported, and your hands resting comfortably on your thighs.
3. Either close your eyes, or pick a spot on the floor to focus on.
4. Breathe in through your nose, concentrating on filling up your entire abdomen (if you are having trouble and tend to fill up your chest area, do this exercise lying down).
5. Next, blow the air out very slowly through your mouth, as if cooling off some very hot soup on a small spoon without spilling a drop.
6. Repeat this 10 times while focusing on your breath.
7. Do this twice a day, perferably at the same time of day, or as needed.
This is simple, fast and highly effective. The more you practice it, the more effective it will become.
When you cannot find time alone, take a few minutes to stop and "smell the flowers" which means connecting to and appreciating the things and people physically in front of you (rather than the TV, computer, phone, etc.). Doing so will provide a much-needed release of tension and refocus you on the present moment.
If you want to read a good (and classic) book on the subject, check out The Relaxation Response by Herbert Benson, M.D. -- Greg Cason, PhD
I think that you'll find that the scene' in the uk wasn't much different in the 70 s than it was in the US. There were the elsends rumours and innuendoes about who was gay and who wasn't.In the 80 s that changed to who had AIDS and who didn't, and if they had the good or the bad AIDS.It's only lately that i've felt safe enough to exress who i am to the world without fear of reprisal or name calling. I still get kids setting fire to turds and leaving them on my doorstep, but that's a price i'm willing to pay for a good man and a meat truncheon.
Posted by: Atsuo | 07/06/2012 at 07:31 PM
As a Lutheran Christian, PathGeek, I find neither rage nor fear in Les Femmes's post. I also bvielee in a God of love, who loved us so much that He crucified His own Son for the forgiveness of our sins.To suggest that love can be had apart from justice is simply unfathomable. God does not leave us in the muck of our sins, but pulls us out and washes clean in the waters of Baptism so that we can love our neighbor. That's exactly what Les Femmes is doing. Too bad you can't see through your own subjectivism to experience it.Robert at bioethike.com
Posted by: Leeo | 08/07/2012 at 01:05 AM