My latest wellness adventure had brought me to the cobblestones of Soho off Spring Street, where Tracy Piper -- highly regarded by gastrointestinally-challenged Manhattanites as nothing short of a miracle worker -- owns and operates The Piper Center. OK, enough stalling, in case you haven't guessed yet (all two of you), I'd just had my very first colonic.
Trust me, I know what images (not to mention snickers and funny faces) that conjures up. The mere word brings about the most unsavory mental concepts, and I'm here to tell you that many of them (in my experience) were in fact true! But in addition to the potential weight loss, enhanced energy and overall well-being that's touted to result from colon therapy, if you have fear of intimacy or being vulnerable, this is a spectacular way to work through those fears.
But jokes aside, I want to make it clear: Ms. Piper is spectacularly adept at putting one at ease, equally effective with a good joke as she is assessing your 'progress' during the session. And she's with you the whole way. You'll get a slew of questions about your dietary habits (you fill out a comprehensive health status sheet before the session), and lots of suggestions on healthier menu options going forward.
In just over an hour, I had walked away warmed with great new ideas about my diet, supplements to help buffer my occasional lapses towards dairy and gluten, and a lighter, more optimistic disposition (and body). Will colonics work for you? Of course, I have no idea, and can't possibly say, that's completely up to you.
But for me, this wellness experiment isn't a one-off, as I was instructed to return in two weeks for another go (so to speak). In the meantime, if feeling lighter and more energized is my immediate reward, hey, I'm ready and willing for more. -- Mitch Rustad
This topic is just screaming for awful puns, isn't it? :D
Doesn't this hurt by the way?
Posted by: My Little Eye Surgery | 12/02/2012 at 12:37 PM