Nov. 28-Dec. 4, 2011: Murphy's Law is everywhere you turn, and Mercury retrograde is just helping to keep life interesting about now. Appointments being cancelled or rescheduled are just the tip of the iceberg. No matter what sign you are, the next two weeks will make you quite aware that you need to expect the unexpected and
stay on your toes.
Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, did new love begin this past weekend? Enjoy it while it lasts, but remember now is not forever. Take each day as it comes for the beauty as you're seeing it, and keep a philosophical air. If things around you start heating up in unpleasant ways, stay out of the confusion and duck if you need to. You don't need more chaos in your life--or do you? Everyone gets a bit tense at this time of year. If the tension in the air starts to get too much, meditate and try to play low key. It's not your job to lead the parade.
Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, you may be feeling an abundance of warmth and good feelings on Tuesday, but it's not the best time for your budget if you shop for gifts then. If you're pressed for time, consider shopping on Wednesday, but do what you can to stay out of crowds. You may find yourself a bit under the weather by Thursday. It's one of those times when you can't win for losing even with good sense. Stock up on your over-the-counter cold and flu season supplies to pull you through if you need them. Give yourself some nurturing you can call true TLC, and be good to yourself.
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