Oct. 24-30, 2011: Passionate Scorpio has arrived! Are you ready? Are you willing? Right now, regardless of your sign, a steamy pairing of Mercury and Venus offer the promise of so much more through the end of the month. Just make sure you know the difference between the promise of planetary temptation and tempting but empty promises you offer. You know how that feels, don't you?
Even for you, Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, the majority of the week brings the possibility of romance in the air although you may move to a state of you will or you won't during the latter half of the week. Perhaps you'll need to make a decision between committing and staying unattached. Can he handle that? What's more, the question might be can you handle such a decision without regrets? Take time to think carefully. You know the health risks. What about the risks for your heart? Rethinking hasty decisions can bite.
If you're a Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius, you'll probably do yourself well to ease into the week with more gradual steps. Have you overdone a workout? Take it easy as you can through the first half of the week, and then you can concentrate on better health--mental and physical--while you allow that special guy to catch your eye. Don't be a tease with seduction. Both of you deserve better. But lay down some ground rules before you get too involved so nobody feels played. There's an opportunity for some quality fantasy role play on the weekend. Just don't overdo it.
Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces, it's not that the week will be dull for you. It's that this is a time when you can try all you want, but sooner or later you may realize you're out of your league with the current object of your affections. If he hasn't looked your way by the weekend, be philosophical about it and say, "You just can't win 'em all." There are better fish in the sea, you know. Look at it this way: you're one of a kind. Not everyone will appreciate what and who you are, but start with some great conversation and thought behind what you want to share with him. It might be a matter of recognizing that he's unique too. -- Michelle Young
Young is the author of the upcoming book, Italian Butterfly's Snail's Pace Astrology. Watch for a new COSMOS every Monday on ShoutOutHealth.com! You can reach Young at [email protected]