Oct. 17-23, 2011 Have you been thinking about getting involved in some yoga classes? It's a good week to start, especially if you can find some classes close to home. It's also a good week to think about healthy--or healthier--eating. Buying a blender just won't do it, and health juices won't do it all. Explore adding variety to the veggies in your diet while being kind to your body. How about some Indian cooking classes? Think it over--before the Moon moves to Leo on Thursday.
It doesn't hurt to start out the week with your focus on some good old-fashioned work, Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Get the nitty-gritty stuff out of the way, so you can glide through the midweek crunch without any hassles. Talk out the challenges if any arise, but don't lose your concentration. Put the daydreams aside in favor of creative thought that can help you to see solutions in places you hadn't considered. That's pure balance at its finest! Party if you want on Friday and Saturday, but leave Sunday for some healing and healthy R&R.
The week may begin with some minor annoyances for Taurus, Leo and Scorpio although Aquarius may find some grey matter exercise just what he needs. Be patient and accept that we're not all the same. Regardless of your Sun sign, being emotionally sensitive to the feelings of others around you will be half the battle. By the time you get to the high spot of the week--wherever you like to cut loose, that is--you can show your most scintillating, sizzling side and even be the life of the party if that's what you're seeking.
Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, if you're feeling out of sorts and aren't quite sure how to resolve it, meditation is just as much solid therapy as a heart-to-heart conversation can be. This may be a bit of a topsy-turvy week for you, but you can pull through well if you work on conscious methods of regaining your equilibrium. Stay calm, cool and collected, as that old cliche goes, and find that inner peace. Your first priority lies in your responsibilities to yourself. Don't pass it off as meaningless. What you do now will be productive for you soon enough.-- Michelle Young
Young is the author of the upcoming book, Italian Butterfly's Snail's Pace Astrology. Watch for a new COSMOS every Monday on ShoutOutHealth.com! You can reach Young at [email protected]
I thought your quoetisn was funny, but I had to respond to the person above. HIV is NOT spread through sin [sic] to skin contact . You can't get HIV by hugging someone or shaking someone's hands. It's only spread through certain bodily fluids (i.e. blood). For goodness' sake .
Posted by: Shirleys | 07/06/2012 at 09:27 AM