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I believe that healthy life is secrete of happiness, if we live healthier life then we can always be happy. Over here i found really useful stuff about the getting happiness.

well nothing wrong depneding on how you ask I date a few guys and they ask if i had ever taken an HIV test. Out of luck, i did one 1 month before we started to date and i showd him my negative test.But i confesse after the relationship was a litle bit wierd. I mean, it wasnt a love relationship. Its was basic sex (thats why i agree with him about the test) but i was deep deep frustated cause it looked like he didnt trust me. But i understand it perfcetly.I dont have the guts to ask the person about an HIV test, its too personal. Thats why i am always on condons.

if the other person does not have HIV then the chncae is 0%. if one of the two has HIV and both had open cuts, then the odds are still probably low but still any chncae, no matter how small, is too high if it can be avoided.

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