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As an openly gay man working in HIV prevention it is great to read clear information from providers who note the pros and cons of PrEP use. I would like to remind all who are navigating risk while enjoying active sex lives to remember that condoms work. Using a condom can be a caring act despite any inconvenience.

As a gay man who is HIV-positive, and married (before Prop 8!) in a 9-year relationship with an HIV-negative man, I question the need for PrEP. My husband and I have had an active sex life for over 9 years, and he's still HIV-negative, and all of this is without his taking medication. I have taken medication, and have been undetectable the whole time. That, and practicing various "sexual harm reduction" techniques, have been effective for us. I had kidney damage from taking Truvada, so I'm not sure I recommend it for everyone. You have to be aware of those risks, and get regular blood monitoring. But I'm here to tell you that serodiscordant relationships CAN work, and you don't necessarily need a medication to do it.

great comments, thanks for that reminder, Ken! inspiring and of course a 'mixed' relationship can work, happy for you!

I know it sounds crazy but look at Craig'ss list, that's how i meet the love of my life. You don't need to look for love there, maybe just ask if annoye knows any local hangouts where you could meet someone new. It's worth a try. Good luck!

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