Attention New York City! Now you have access to an innovative, and potentially life-saving new program called “M*SHP minus 36:00” from--you guessed it-- the Men's Sexual Health Project.
"A-list" star and celebrity photographer Mike Ruiz donated his talents to shoot the ad campaign (below) and support was also provided by the Elton John AIDS Foundation.
Here's the official announcement:
“PEP has been recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for high risk sexual exposures since 2006, but very few men in NYC are aware of what PEP is or how to get it. PEP is using HIV medications after a potential exposure to prevent HIV infection.
Study after study has demonstrated that PEP works, but if people are unaware of the intervention (or it is hard to get), PEP doesn’t really have a chance to make an impact. Time is of the essence. PEP has to be started within 36 hrs to have maximal effect and continued for 28 days after exposure. Lack of knowledge and medical barriers (like long, unpleasant ER visits, financial concerns, etc) makes PEP nearly inaccessible. M*SHP will introduce its new program dubbed “M*SHP minus 36:00” to provide instant, free access to PEP drugs and connection to follow up services and care.”