Q: I have a new boyfriend and we've grown very close. Now we have the holidays approaching and I'm feeling awkward about how to spend them--I'm not that close to my family, and have never brought a boyfriend home before. I don't even know if he wants to spend the holidays together. I'd like to enjoy a holiday season NOT being single for once, but am stressed out by this. Any suggestions?
A: Your stress is because you are thinking that 1) you cannot stand being single one more holiday and you recognize that 2) it is not a good idea to force the situation with your boyfriend or your family. So,
to reduce your stress, you can do one of two things: Change your perceptions or shove your agenda down the throats of your boyfriend and your family. If it were me, I'd pick the change of perception -- it's so much easier! So, let's go with that...
First of all, if you have a boyfriend, you are not single. Even if you spend the holidays on opposite hemispheres, love can provide emotional connection. Believing you are single if he is not physically with you will lead you to act desperate and clingy. Change your belief and your actions! Remind yourself of your connection to him and do something loving for him each day, even when he is away.
As for the holiday itself, either spend it with him or spend it with your family, but don't mix the two! If you choose your family, then schedule a special celebration just for your boyfriend and you. But before you make any decisions, talk with him! If you are as close as you say, then see where he stands with this holiday mess. And take comfort that the holiday season will come again in just 12 months. So, get to know him better, then schedule a non-holiday visit with the family to meet him. Then, if you are still together next year, you may go home with him for the holidays and everybody will know what to expect. -- Greg Cason, PhD
I personally would create a new holiday tradition and invite my family, my new partner and perhaps a couple of friends to my place for the holidays..
Posted by: Joel | 11/27/2010 at 10:14 AM
I "like" you on Facebook. Would love these for my oldest boy!
Posted by: Shop Hermes Kelly | 01/08/2012 at 11:10 AM
Well he has to have HIV to give it to you. Since he apparently was a virign. The chances of him having HIV are slim, unless he were to get it from a source other than sex. Apparently you're not very well educated on sex hooray public schools! Or maybe you go to a Christian school where they don't even attempt to teach you about sex.Let me teach you some about sex, he can still get you pregnant with out cumming inside you, there is a thing called pre-cum. Use protection! Use birth control! Use your brain!
Posted by: Joel | 05/29/2012 at 11:44 AM
My mom is one.You loose weight.u get money(based on what u chrgae)and u might even get a date.The salary is based on what u chrgae.If you chrgae 15 an hour .ok.my thing is go for 20.and yes it is a good job
Posted by: Jasper | 07/06/2012 at 06:15 PM
you didn't choose your lefsityle,you did. It's called free will. Everyone has a choice to choose ones own path in life but, we will ALL have to go before the judgement seat of our FATHER in Heaven and Jesus Christ. I never hit anyone in the face. You speak, this is the REAL world hmmm, as it is written LUKE Chapter 4 verses 6-7 And the devil said unto him, All this power will i GIVE thee, and the glory of them: for that is DELIVERED unto me; and to whomsoever i will i give it. IF thou therefore wilt worship me, All shall be thine.Our FATHER in Heaven has a subject and a condition in these verses. First the subject, dispensation of time,world age. Secondly the word IF is a condition. Meaning WHO shall we worship? Our FATHER in Heaven or Satan.On the subject of PORK you are wrong. Lets review scripture,LEVITICUS Chapter 11 Verse 7-8, remember Pork is the subject. Lets continue, ISAIAH Chapter 65 verse 4, Which eat swine's flesh and broth of abominable things is in their vessels. Chapter 65 verse 17, They that sanctify themselves and purify themselves in the gardens behind one tree in the midst, eating SWINE'S flesh, and the ABOMINATION, and the mouse, shall be consumed together, saith the Lord. Continueing with the SUBJECT, COLOSSIANS Chapter 2 verse 6, As ye have therefore RECIEVED Christ Jesus the Lord,so walk ye in him, jump to verse 8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, AFTER the TRADITIONS of men, after the rudiments of the WORLD, and not after Jesus Christ. Eating Pork is not a sin against your souls. It's a sin against the health of the flesh, why? The animal doesn't sweat. Therefore everything it eats stays within the flesh and will make one SICK. Also our FATHER in heaven said (the subject matter) those that are to be RECIEVED. Pork was NEVER to be recieved. It has it's purpose, it cleans up the diseases as it was intended.Bring on the animals you intended to quote reguarding your lefsityle and i'll let our FATHERS word prove you wrong again.You talk about the tree/tree's in the garden. Alright,what are these trees?Our FATHER uses nature alot as examples so we can get the subject. sometime his children are just a little bit sottish, JEREMIAH Chapter 4 verse 22, sottish in the Hebrew means STUPID. The tree of life is JESUS CHRIST, yes, he was in the garden of GOD and the tree of good and evil, satan. What did adam and eve cover themselves with and what parts of their bodies did they coverup ? They used FIG leaves MARK Chapter 13, parable of the fig TREE. Eve did say, the serpent BEGUILDED me( Holy Seduced ) and adam partook, sexual act (homosexual) Easy to research if one chooses. Just go to the Hebrew dictionary, not too difficult.You state Carnal mind(flesh brain) Lets go to ROMANS Chapter 8 and start with verse 1,2, THERE is therefore now NO! condemnation to THEM which are in JESUS CHRIST, who walk NOT after the FLESH ( carnal mind ) but after the Spirit. 2, For the law of the Spirit of LIFE in JESUS CHRIST hath made me free from the law of sin and death. Let's skip on down to verse 5 and continue, For they that are after the FLESH do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. 6, For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is LIFE and PEACE. 7 Because the carnal mind is enmity ( means HATEFUL in the Greek and Hebrew ) against GOD: for it is not SUBJECT to the law of GOD, NEITHER indeed can be. 8, So then they that are in the flesh CANNOT please GOD.So lets skip to verse 13, For IF ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: BUT ( Here is the condition ) if ye through the SPIRIT do MORTIFY the deeds of the body ( put to death ) ye shall LIVE.Now how do we do this ?As it is written in LUKE chapter 10 verse 19, Behold, I ( JESUS CHRIST ) give unto you power to tread on SERPENTS ( satan ) and scorpions ( False pastors,teachers ) and over ALL the power of the ENEMY: and NOTHING shall by any means hurt YOU.In the name of JESUS CHRIST i rebuke and cast to the pit of HELL ALL evil and familiar spirits. I'll continue later disecting your post with our FATHERS word if you post my comment.Be Gentle,Kevin
Posted by: Chika | 07/08/2012 at 12:58 AM