Q: I'm a single guy in my 20s and I am also sexually active. I really like my doc, but I'm afraid to talk to her about my sex life. I feel ashamed or embarrassed, but she doesn't ask me about it, either. How should patients initiate these conversations with their doctors?
A: You are absolutely right that she should be asking you about your sex life. It shouldn't be your responsibility to bring it up but, nice as she is, it doesn't sound like she's asking enough questions to thoroughly take care of you. But you can help her! You might say something such as, "I feel fine but would you please test me for STDs? I know that there are a lot of things out there that I might be vulnerable to."
Or, if that's too much, you could try something more subtle, like, "I'm dating someone new, is there anything I should worry about these days?" (hopefully she will pick up the hint). If all else fails you might try something like, "What is syphilis?" to initiate the conversation.
But the botton line is, you should not feel embarrassed or ashamed. You are smart to think about it and want your doctor to think about it, too! Good luck. -- Susan Ball, MD