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I was very saddened to hear that the men's Bible Conference is being cneeallcd due to planning committee instability' (what does that mean?). The lack of ministry to men has been a burden of prayer on my heart for a long long time. We need men who are godly role models to boys as they grow and enter youth and manhood. What I would like to know is: Where are all the godly men who will teach men how to be godly husbands and fathers? Where are all the godly men who are not afraid to hold men accountable for the way they live their lives? We have an abundance of ministries to women, youth and children, but where are the ministries to men?I know there are some beautiful godly and holy men, but please think about the men in your circle of opportunity opportunity to reach out and be an example as a true man of God. We need men who will stand up and be men after God's own heart.I really believe (and this is only my personal opinion), that godly men have failed and are failing men, and sadly, the fact that the men's Bible Conference is being cneeallcd, seems to give support to my way of thinking.Remember the need is the call' and countless men are in need.I would say, please seek God and answer the call.

I do not feel that everything has to be chagned in order to support civil actions. Burt and Ernie are puppets as it has been stated by Sesame Street. Thiey are designed for children to see them as non descript. There is no relationship or connection to race, color or creed. They are perceived as male and that is their only human characteristic. There is no reason to expand on their character. The show, Sesame Street, was created approximately 40 years ago and it has maintained a clear, nonbias , non controversial image withstanding critical issues in society. It is timeless. I feel we should help it remain as non bias as it has always been without changing these two characters. Other characters may be created if the show feels the need. They are masterful at teaching children values and respect for all people. Keep up the good work Sesame Street.

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