OK, it's time to switch things up. You’ve built some muscle these past
two weeks (here's Week One and Week Two); now lets use your faster metabolism to really burn off some
This week, do three strength workouts using the same exercises,
but do them as a circuit - perform fifteen repetitions of each exercise
going down the list without resting in between exercises.
When you've finished the circuit of exercises, immediately get on a cardio machine
(treadmill, elliptical or bike) for 6 minutes of interval training done
as one-minute intervals, starting with an ‘up‘ interval. The last
minute will be a down interval. Follow this with two minutes of rest.
Repeat three times. Finish with twenty minutes of interval training.
And do two additional 30-minute cardio workouts this week the same way
I suggest in week 2.
Got that? It's intense to be sure, but effective, trust me!
Week 3 is the first of two weeks of
extreme fat loss. We want to bring our nutrition into line with the
changes we’ve made to the exercise program so that the two work
together to create an environment where your body is burning more
calories and selectively burning more calories from fat.
effective tip that makes stored body fat more available to be burned is
called ‘carbohydrate manipulation’ and here's how it works: On three of the days this week on
which you are not strength training, completely remove all starchy
carbohydrates and simple sugars from your nutrition plan. Eat as much
lean protein and vegetables as you like. It’s okay to eat some healthy
fats, but don’t overdo it. It’s very hard to remove ALL sugars, but do
your best - anything with more than about 8-10 grams of sugar is too
much. And drink more water than you are accustomed to drinking. Try to
get your daily calorie count equal to roughly your body weight
multiplied by 12.
Now here's some really good news: I have found that it is not unusual for clients to lose two to three pounds of body fat (in a week) on a program like this one.
week builds on the two before it and won't be as effective unless you’ve
added some muscle to your body. If you feel like you want or need to add some
more muscle at this point, repeat week 2 before going on to week 3. The work is getting intense but believe me, the results will be worth it. Good luck! I'll be back next soon with our 4th and final week. --
Greg Rothman, MS PT (
[email protected] or
Empower Fitness on Facebook)