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I got motivated to your blog because I myself knew that I'm Fat. Thanks for such encouraging blog..

This was a pertinent post. an interesting and well-written article! I came across your post while trying to find a source for health-related topics. This is valuable information presented in a clear, concise manner. Your posts always show me that you really have some indepth knowledge about this. Quite a valuable read i must say.


Thank you for writing such a great reply! I love the idea of self-help, and next time I don't feel like going to the gym I'll think about what I've read tonight.

Hi John, i really learned something here, look forward to your next column, but enjoyed this one a lot...

enjoyed this...I totally agree on the getting a date thing, but like you said, do it for YOU right? im over 30 now and gettin to the gym because Im lookn for compliments gets old, fast...

HIV is a sickness that is not exvsluice to gay people and just like straight promiscuous people, promiscuous gay people are the most affected by HIV.But lets not remember that there's thousands of straight people infected with HIV just because they had sex with a prostitute (or a stranger female) without using a condom.

Chevy HHR is an awesome chocie. I test drove my buddies and was very impressed with it. My dad has a Chrysler PT Cruiser and there is no comparison to how much better the Chevy is built and feels driving it. If you are one of those people that don't want to buy a GM product now the Toyota van is awesome too but will cost a lot more than the Chevy. Hope I have been helpful.

4 countries (now) and a few more years sulohd (fingers crossed) shut down alot of the arguements We've had 2 years of same sex marriages and no doom has befallen us.It's safe to say anything is evil when it's not out in the light of day to show otherwise, consistently.Did you know in 2 BC the Roman Empire first wrote into law marriage contracts for only the richest of their folk. They included those rights to same sex couples in 1 BC. It was only in 1536 (close to it) that the church got involved .As far as our culture , how can we feel good about ourselves 24/7 (and act accordingly) when we are constantly being bombarded with stupidity and lies? ..we are only human, too.(Do I think letting the bastards win be acceptable .NO but I have alot more pissiness in me than fuck it, life's too hard .but that is another speech Our culture is up to us to define, not those who hate/fear us..and the ramifiacations if the truth were to shine)Imagine a church having to advertise that they descriminate cause that is how this will play out.I have to say ..being equal is abit strange but something I can get used to.

I enjoyed your tnartmeet of a serious subject in a humerous way.My website,, actively campaigns against Washington State counselors who appear to be using misleading "generic acronyms" in their credentials to con the public into believing the counselor has unearned licensure or certification. In its "Call to Action" section, members of the public are encouraged to contact offending counselors in person, by telephone or email and ask them why they are engaging in such misleading activities.In 2007, is focusing on the unethical use of MHC and MFT as in “John Doe, MA, MHC, MFT.” MHC in this instance is used by counselors with the justification "Mental Health Counseling is what I do!" Ethical standards require that counselor credentials (or initials) should be limited to those awarded by national certifying agencies or to licenses issued by the state. The meaningless "MHC" could by used by anyone regardless of training or education level, and easily be confused with "LMHC"-- Licensed Mental Health holds that the use of MFT is unethical when used in counselor credentials and justified by the counselor with the "Marriage and Family Therapy is what I do" excuse. Again, anyone can use "MFT" regardless of education or background and is unethical and unprofessional because it resembles the LMHT credential which refers to "Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists."In listing counselors who use MFT in their websites, tries to eliminate those who identify themselves as MFTs even though they are actually licensed. Such counselors have higher qualifications but are too dense to realize (1.) they run the risk of being confused with less qualified persons, and (2.) the importance of clearly identifying themselves as LMFTs. The campaign has been carried out with the broad support from members of the public and by professional counselors. locates and publishes a list of the counselors it believes to be making use of unethical or unprofessional use of these acronyms and identifies them by name, website, email address and telephone numbers. Concerned members of the public are encouraged to contact the counselors directly and register their disapproval and disgust. Offending counselors complain that they are being bullied, but in 2006, more than 83% have removed the offending acronyms from their websites. (When this happens, all identifying material is removed from the page except the initials of the counselor's name.)[Just search for "unprofessional counselor" or "unethical counselor" for more information or to help eliminate these misleading practices.]Sincerely,Floyd Else, MA, LMHC, UTJAW (An unauthorized acronyn for "Upholder of Truth Justice and the American Way!" and an example of initials that should not appear in counselor credentials).Webmaster:

You should coesidnr filling out our form for help. After you fille out the form, on the success page, there is an option to download our Recovery Tips booklet. That is a start. And we have counselors that can be contacted for more assistance. Please call or write any time!

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