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for sure, Elton John has become an incredible role model...

I don't believe that Adam could be considered "too controversial" and that he could therefore send out "the wrong message," because he's actually not that controversial from my perspective - as a new york performing artist. In fact, what he's doing - and what he represents - should be supported by the 'gay community'... if we're truly seeking equality. And, we - that community - need to be a bit stronger in our own message, our efforts, and our public demonstrations for this equality! Though I don't prefer his music, I believe that his presence in the public eye is significant - thanks Adam.

It is good to see some high profile people coming out and saying that they are gay. Like Politians, Doctors, Nurses, Arm Forces, Sportspeople and the list goes on and on. USA has always been backwards in this regard compared to Europe, Canada and the rest of the world. It is time to change.

I find celebrities as role models a little disheartening. It bespeaks a lack of depth. I am, however, pleased by Adam's frankness about his sexuality in the media, and I like his music, but I hardly see myself modeling my life after a 20-something year old singer on the make.
I wish I could point to some genuine gay role models in my life, but I can't.

Perez said he looks like a girl and takes the p*ss out of his looks. I don't think he is hitting on him, and his aygrodnnous look is alluring, and I agree with what he said, but I think that coming from an older guy, it could be seen the wrong way.LOL at the comment about Bill's thingy haha, I am sick of my guy friends not caring when I rant about Bill's smexyness, so I was talking about guys to my gay friend and we have totally different taste in guys based on looks and he thought Bill was too girly lol but he said that Tom looked hot in the pic with his hair photoshopped short

wow thanks for that. lol idk if i liked what he said or not. threes a vid of him saying that bills his hair icon or something. maybe he likes bill. ewww. bills dick is only for us girls. jk lol but still gay guys need to back off if theyre trying to get with him cuz its NEVER going to happen.

Hey! isnt that the guy from lizzie mcurige?? Gordo???? I love that show, and him! But i haven't seen him since the movie came out but i guess he was kinda hott. i dont think he's gay though.

The world needs more Adam Lambert's in it His message of love & equialty is one that today's youth need to hear Thank-You Adam for leading by example & staying true to yourself Love overcomes hate, Love has no color, Love has no orientation All is love ~ Adam Lambert

I'm sorry. I know some pol r gone b mad by oh well. This girl cannot rap n she is not that good of a daencr. Idk her but it seems like she is so conceited n full if herself. STAY IN SCHOOL honey. Maybe u can do something other than this Cause it's not good

A qualifier rerdaging some of my previous posts re. the practical utility of guns & self-defense:I still maintain that mace, pepper spray & stun guns are better street deterrents--easier to conceal prior to weapon discharge & instantly disabling. Also less dangerous if they somehow get turned against you.For home/business defense, if you live in the sort of neighborhood where this sort of thing is an issue, I'd incline towards a 12-guage sawed-off loaded with double-ought pellets. A good hunting rifle is probably fine if you're, well, a hunter and know how to use one properly. An AK-47 or M-16 would be nice, too.And it's easier to argue against anti-gun extremists because shotguns & hunting rifles are not exactly what you'd call assassin's weapons. They're pretty hard to conceal, too. And this is good in armed confrontations, even in public places. A fellow wandering down the street with a pump-action short-barrelled rifle slung casually over on shoulder & humming a tune doesn't exactly scream out "victim!" in the minds of potential perps. Might make the cops a little nervous, though...and the AK & M-16, werlll, there could be questions involved there as well.Just say your a collector. Might work in the south. Southern cops tend to be more liberal when it comes to possession of fast cars (provided you actually own them) & serious ordnance (provided you're not pointing it at them).Hey, I was pulled over on a straitaway once doing 131 in my '61 LeSabre by a cop who wanted to find out how I managed to get the old heap to light up his gun like that. Told him I had a 430 big block from a '69 Electra & showed him the nitrous bottle in the glove compartment. He thought that was pretty cool.

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