by Mitch Rustad
She's strutted her musical stuff in the world of theater in her 20s and became a highly sought after spiritual healer, lecturer and life coach in her 30s and 40s. But Aleta St. James really hit her stride in her 50s, when she became a media sensation--network divas like Katie Couric and Diane Sawyer tussled for interviews with her--by giving birth to healthy twins, a few days shy of her 57th birthday.
Despite a bevy of biological, medical and societal roadblocks, St. James never gave up or doubted herself. “If you don't listen to others negativity, you can really do incredible things,” says St. James, author of Life Shift, a comprehensive guide to breaking through emotional blocks and creating optimum health and wellness.
With energy medicine being such a hot topic these days--even Oprah is paying close attention to its healing potential--St. James down with us at her healing studio in New York City to talk about her unique approach to creating greater joy, health, and wellness in your life. Here are excerpts from that interview:
Many in the LGBT community have suffered childhood traumas or feelings of rejection. What's your approach to healing very old but still painful feelings?
Simply feeling different at a young age can cause deep emotional blocks that can last for years. I've noticed this block often working with my gay clients. Often, the feeling of being different, and not accepted at a very basic level at an early age, can close someone down and as a result, it feels impossible to find support in this world. So you don't take the risks you need to build a happy life--going for the job you really want, feeling good enough to attract a healthy relationship--these are common issues but I notice it even more in my gay clients. It's important to identify energetically what you're emotionally still holding on to. What usually needs to be healed is self-esteem and worth, and reaching an acceptance at a deep level of self, both spiritually and physically.
Hopefully you can get to the point where you stop protecting yourself from rejection and open up to love and support from the right people. These old barriers and blocks keep support and love away from you, even if it feels like they keep you safe.
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