Q: “I'm feeling 'stuck' in my career, and even in my relationships, which aren't fulfilling anymore. I’ve had some traditional therapy and it was helpful, but I’m reading more and more about life coaches and I’m wondering what the difference is between the two — why would someone choose to work with a life coach vs. a therapist?”
A: “This is an easy one. For starters, therapy is incredibly valuable and I encourage anyone who’s struggling with mental health issues such as depression, anxiety and other serious conditions to consider this option. Let’s be clear: Life coaching is NOT therapy. However, as millions of people are finding out, coaching can be a tremendously helpful - some would say life-changing - resource that can lift the fog of confusion around a life challenge or personal issue, and help quiet a noisy, negative mind so you can get ‘unstuck’ and move forward. This work can be directed towards a specific intention (finding love or a new job), or more general (being happier, stop procrastinating, etc.). The bottom line is: Life is too short to spend it in LESS than optimal ways, so if you’re curious, go for it. Find out more HERE...

In short, the foundation of coaching is premised on the fact that YOU already have the best answers for you, but maybe you’re disconnected from an experience of your inherent self worth, confidence, or clarity — some call it a “fog” -- which are all tremendously essential components of having a happy, successful life. A good life coach guides this valuable conversation, and asks all the right questions, which will hopefully begin to break the patterns and challenge limiting behaviors/beliefs that keep you looping unhappiness.
Coaching is focused on the present and the future. It’s about creating strategies, vision boards, action steps, and positive mantras and life statements that can literally help you ‘change your reality’ — I’ve seen this happen with many clients, and it’s truly miraculous to see people transform old ideas and beliefs about themselves, and how this directly impacts what can often seem like hopeless, and toxic, circumstances.
Effective coaching should be empowering, uplifting, exciting, engaging, and enlightening. The old adage from “The Wizard of OZ” actually rings most true here: You’ve always had the power, but you have to learn it for yourself. That’s perhaps a worn-out cliche, but it’s packed with truth. It’s an exciting process to discover this for yourself, and coaching an help guide you to access that innate power and express your natural inclination for happiness, joy and abundance.
What’s required of you? A sincere desire and willingness to step outside your box/comfort zones, and experience lasting change, both within and in your external life circumstances. You really can create a more satisfying ‘reality’ if you’re willing to gently confront your stuff, let go of old patterns and finally get out of your own way.
Certified coaches like myself learn myriad tools for helping clients break through barriers, awaken their self worth, and learn to implement real world strategies in their own unique, magnificent ways. Finding the right coach is a bit like dating, you start with a conversation, feel the chemistry and compatibility, and go from there. For more information on coaching, click HERE -- Mitch Rustad, CLC